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Examples for an AI course following the textbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell and Norvig.

HOWTO Work on Assignments

We will provide you with a CoLab link to the assignment notebook.

Your submitted assignment notebook needs to be a complete project reports with

Use the provided notebook cells and insert additional code and markdown cells as needed.

You have several options to work on the notebook.

Option 1: CoLab

You can work directly on CoLab by using File>Save a copy to Drive(you will need a Google Account). To use data files from within CoLab, you need to go to your Google Drive to the folder called My Drive - CoLab Notebooks and copy the needed files there. Then you need to mount your Google drive in your notebook, and change to the directory to the notebook folder. The needed code for your code cell looks like this:

from google.colab import drive
import os

os.chdir('/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/')

You can execute shell commands. The following line will list the contents of the current directory. Is should show you the ipynb files you have there.


To create a HTML document out of your rendered notebook, you can add a code cell with the following code to your jupyter notebook. Execute this cell after your document is completely rendered.

!jupyter nbconvert --to html nameofyournorebook.ipynb

You can now download the created HTML file from your GoogleDrive.

Option 2: Work Locally (e.g., VS code)

You can download individual assignment notebooks using File>Download>Download .ipynb and then work locally on the project. You will need to download additional files as well.

Make sure that you have a copy of your assignment in a save place that has a backup (e.g., Google Drive). If you want to work on the assignment using version control, then create a new private repository and check your code in there.